

Inquire (v.) 詢問 若要「詢價」時,會用inquire about the cost/price of sth. 來表達。 I’d like to inquire about the cost of your screws. 我想詢問貴公司螺絲的價錢。

英文 貴公司 怎麼說?

貴公司的英文也可以說your company,意思是「你們公司」。 It has been our pleasure to collaborate with your company to develop this product.


Company「公司」其實是一個虛擬的概念,代表一個「以營利為目的的企業實體」,根據Macmillan Dictionary 的解釋,company 是指「an organization that provides services, or that makes or sells goods for money(一個 …

請誰協助 英文?

1. Could/Would you help me, please? 2. Could you do me a favor? 3. Could I ask you to…? 4. Could I bother/trouble you…?