Is Oncotarget a good journal

Is Oncotarget a good journal?

This journal continues to play a major role in the publication of important basic science research papers. Editorial practices are consistently high. Ethical guidelines are consistently followed. This is an important research journal for the field.””

Is Oncotarget peer-reviewed?

Oncotarget, launched in 2010, is a peer-reviewed, open-access and primarily oncology-focused biomedical journal.

Who is the publisher of Oncotarget journal?

Oncotarget is published by Impact Journals, based out of Orchard Park, New York. Impact Journals has a proven track record for reaching the standards of the Wellcome Trust Publisher Requirements and is included in their Wellcome Trust List of Compliant Publishers.

What is the impact factor of Oncotarget Advance Publications?

Journal’s Impact IF Trend Year Journal’s Impact IF Year Journal’s Impact IF 2021-2022 0.966 2020-2021 1.373 2019-2020 1.513 還有 8 列

Is MDPI a high impact journal?

The MDPI journals include the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , which published about 17,000 articles last year. In 2022, it had a Web of Science journal impact factor of 4.614, in the top half of all journals in the field of public health.

What is the impact factor of PNAS?

11.1 Journal impact factor and associated metrics 2022 Metrics Impact Factor 11.1 Ranking in Multidisciplinary Sciences 8/73 Impact Factor without Self-Cites 11.0 Five-Year Impact Factor 12.0 還有 5 列

What is the impact factor of oncology letters?

3.11 According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2022 impact factor of 3.11, ranking it 97th out of 211 journals in the category “Oncology”. Oncol. Lett.

What is the impact factor of ACS Omega?

4.1 ACS Omega Publication details Open access Yes Impact factor 4.1 (2022) Standard abbreviations ISO 4 (alt) · Bluebook (alt1 · alt2) NLM (alt) · MathSciNet (alt ) ISO 4 ACS Omega 還有 10 列

What is the impact factor of nature?

64.8 2022 Journal Metrics Multidisciplinary journals 2-year Impact Factor Article Influence Score Nature 64.8 26.4 Nature Communications 16.6 5.8 Scientific Reports 4.6 1.1 Scientific Data 9.8 3.3

What is the impact factor of nature communications?

16.6 According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2022 impact factor of 16.6.

What is the impact factor of the annals of oncology?

32.976 About Annals of Oncology Impact factor: 32.976.

Which MDPI journal has the highest impact factor?

Top Ranking MDPI Journals Antioxidants. Antioxidants leads the way with an excellent Impact Factor of 7.675. … Cells. Cells follows closely behind with an Impact Factor of 7.666. … Nutrients. Nutrients also has a fantastic Impact Factor of 6.706. … Cancers. … Pharmaceutics.

What is Elsevier impact factor?

Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within a particular year. Hence, the higher the number of citations or articles coming from a particular journal, or impact factor, the higher it is ranked.

What is the highest impact factor journals?

Top High Impact Factor Journals Sr. No. Journal Impact Factor 1. CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 254.7 2. Lancet 168.9 3. New England Journal of Medicine 158.5 4. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association 120.7 還有 16 列 ? 2 天前