How do you say best friends forever

How do you say best friends forever?

Bff is an initialism of the phrase best friends forever. Bff has evolved into a noun that refers to a close friend.

What does best friends forever mean?

best friend forever (plural best friends forever) A person who is an especially close and trusted friend over a long period of time.

What is your best friend forever?

Barbara Delinsky described a BFF as “someone you don’t have to see every day to still connect with, someone who loves you whether you talk often or not, someone who would drop everything and catch the next flight if you needed her. It’s someone who couldn’t care less where or what she eats, as long as she’s with you.”

Can we be best friends for ever?

It’s fine to have fleeting friendships, courtesy friendship, simply frivolous fun friends or even to engage in friendships that are based on mutual or one way neediness. But you can’t expect them to be the same way forever, or for them to stay forever. Lifelong friendships are the independent ones.

What is a better way to say best friend?

A best friend can also be called a bestie, good friend, close friend, best mate, pal or buddy. What’s another phrase for a best friend? Fidus achates, soulmate, bosom buddy, kindred soul, alter ego, best buddy, boon companion.

Is it BFFS or BFF’s?

or BFF. abbreviation, nounplural bffs, BFFsInformal. a person’s best friend, typically a girl’s (sometimes used facetiously): I really miss my bffs. Cheryl in Customer Service called twice today—she’s my new BFF.

Will my best friend stay with me forever?

It’s fine to have fleeting friendships, courtesy friendship, simply frivolous fun friends or even to engage in friendships that are based on mutual or one way neediness. But you can’t expect them to be the same way forever, or for them to stay forever. Lifelong friendships are the independent ones.

Can a friend last forever?

Sometimes it’s possible to stay friends for life and sometimes it isn’t. Over time, your activities, and view of life change, and your friends’ do too!. It’s always difficult to see a friendship end but sometimes it’s the natural progression of a relationship.

Can friends last a lifetime?

Lifelong friendships are rare — and that’s part of what makes them so special. We’re not meant to have the same set of friends throughout our entire lives. We move to different places, we change, we drift apart. Sometimes we outgrow each other — and that’s perfectly normal.